Saturday, February 7, 2009

Friday, February 6, 2009

Got Jack to school on time, but didn't head up to school like I originally planned to grade papers. I am officially in procrastination mode on that front. Instead I came back home and spent some time getting organized - cleaned out my school bag, scrubbed the kitchen and took care of some emailing. In class I had my students write about the way Martin Luther King Jr. used language in his "I Have a Dream" speech and what it reflects about him, his purpose and his intended audience. It's one of my favorite assignments--students pick up on so many interesting things. Did many errands on the way home: post office to mail orders, pharmacy to pick up a prescription refill, museum to get the point of sale software registered (it worked this time!) and to pick up some pieces to take to one of the artists tomorrow. Came home and took it easy until Jack came home. We went to pick up Johnny and Benny, then later after we took them home, Roger, Jack and I went out to grab a snack. Jack and I started reading Danny the Champion of the World by Roald Dahl the other night, but stopped cold after Danny learns his father poaches pheasants. Jack refused to continue reading a book in which innocent birds get killed. I can support him in that.

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