Friday, February 6, 2009

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Sheesh! Another week has slipped by and here I am, trying to remember what actually happened. I've been sick (I think I've had a bit of a relapse because I caught a cold) so I've tried to get good rest and eat lots of vitamin rich food. I missed two days of work. I'm feeling a bit better today, but am frustrated because I'm so behind on so many things. I could write more about what I've put off in the past week than I can write about what I did! Some memories: Jack and I had fun putting in a couple of last minute bids for a set of "rare" Bionicle masks on ebay. We spent $1 more than we planned to, but we got them! A bit of an adrenaline rush. I better not do that very often! I was talking to a man and his daughter in my guitar class and discovered that I actually knew his family in Mass. I actually babysat for him at least once! I finally posted my 25 things on facebook (I had to write them twice because they accidentally got deleted). We went out for Mexican food at our favorite restaurant, Mi Ranchito. On the way home we visited with Roger's parents, who had news that Roger's uncle had passed away. All of a sudden we're having a lot of conversations with Jack about death (his friend Josh's grandfather died, Johnny and Benny's grandmother died, and now Uncle Ralph--all in the past few weeks). I spent 15 minutes on hold with a very nice Indian customer service rep who ultimately couldn't help me register the software because their servers were down. I got home from school on Monday just in time to watch Hilary Clinton get sworn in as Secretary of State. I like her. I hope she does a good job. We really need her to.

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