Saturday, November 15, 2008

Saturday, November 15, 2008

A slow start this morning, but eventually I was functioning fairly well! Two days into the antibiotics and I'm feeling even more hopeful that I will be functioning normally soon. Huge turnout at story time today (Mark and Caralyn Beuhner came)--at least 80 children plus parents! I went out to lunch with friends Linda, Shelley and Brent (who is managing the development of the new sculpture garden at the museum). Brent treated us to a family style bowl of sizzling rice soup at the Mongolian Grill. Shelley and I took inventory of the picture books (we've broken even and are now making money even after getting another order in yesterday). I worked hard on getting all of the cords in the new point of sale system organized and crammed into the back of the case the monitor sits on so I could shut the back of it. What a rat's nest! I hung out for a bit more helping Shelley work on a brochure. Then Roger showed up to wrangle me home. We left Jack with Johnny and Benny and went out to dinner. I am now stuffed full, in my pajamas and tucked in to watch a bit television before bed. Yawn.

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