Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What a day, packed full of turning a corner. I voted when I dropped Jack off at school (only about 10 people in line ahead of me). I spent most of my time at the high school reflowing the stacks to make room for all of the magazines I've finished cataloguing. I had quite a few conversations with students about the election, some leaving me frustrated with the misconceptions that people have, some giving me hope in our future. One of my neighbor's kids truly believed that if Obama was elected, he would start killing all of the two-year-olds in the country. What?! I tried hard to focus on grading papers in between getting Jack to cub scouts, emailing, talking on the phone, and peeking at election results. At the end of the day, we watched both McCain and Obama speak. And I checked the results of the library bond, which looked quite positive. My main wish is that we will pull together as a nation to get through these difficult times, looking to Obama for all of the good he can and will contribute to healing our divides if we will only let him. 

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