Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Monday, August 11, 2008

A crazy, jam packed day. Woke up at 6 am and couldn't get back to sleep so I hit the road and went for a walk in the neighborhood. I ended up walking all the way up to the top of a new road that doesn't have any homes built on it yet and was rewarded with a spectacular view of the valley. Morning was spent fighting my computer to organize and send huge files to the museum for the art exhibit, paying bills, and clearing everything I could clear out from our main floor in preparation for the carpet cleaner. The carpet cleaner didn't show up on schedule, and when I called he was so relieved because he'd accidently shredded the post-it note he'd written the appointment on. Then he knocked 20% off the bill! When Roger got home we went out to dinner (easier than trying to cook around all of the furniture crammed in our kitchen) and to visit Roger's boss, who just got a new dog. Jack had fun tossing all sorts of balls and making up games to play with her (the dog, not the boss!). Olympics far too late into the evening!

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