Friday, January 2, 2009

Friday, January 2, 2009

Well, the second day of the new year was just about as unproductive as the first. But it was a good day. After a lazy morning at home doing this and that, Roger, Jack and I headed to Ikea. Again we lusted after Scandinavian design, but this time we dropped a wad on some items to help Roger get his studio organized and more functional (it was his backup Christmas present when the watch I bought him failed to work properly and he decided just to return it rather than to mess around trying to get it fixed). We also got some chunky floating shelves for Jack's room. The play place was too full of kiddies, so we checked out a Gameboy for Jack and followed us around the store engrossed in Mario Kart. Including having a late lunch in the cafeteria (mmm, meatballs), we were there for more than two hours! A stop at Target (where we ran into our newly married niece Sarah, who seemed quite well) on the way home to pick up Kung Fu Panda, which watched as we ate dinner. Without even realizing it, we had appropriately cooked up noodles for the event (you have to see the movie to understand).

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