Monday, January 5, 2009

Monday, January 5, 2009

Lots and lots of snow today. I was so relieved to drop Jack off at school (oh boy, he didn't want to go!) and get home to spend the day getting organized. I got all of the Christmas decorations packed up, did some laundry, did some other picking up and sweeping and vacuuming, etc. I've still got a long way to go, but it sure feels good to have some forward momentum. I spent time in my office getting organized, including working on finalizing my syllabus for this semester's class. I'm changing some things, including having unannounced quizzes. I packed up several book orders and got them to the post office. I hauled two huge boxes of paper out of my office and dropped it all off at a recycling bin. Jack and Benny shoveled the driveway (in exchange for me going back out to get Benny after finishing my errands). I wish I could have a few more days like this before going back to work - house to myself without anyone messing up what I've just cleaned up. It was nice, however, to see Jack when he got home from school and Roger when he got home from work. Also, I had a fabulous swiss cheese and spinach panini grilled up in our panini maker (that I don't use often enough because it's a big old pain to clean up).

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