Friday, September 5, 2008

Thursday, September 4, 2008

I let Jack sleep in a tiny bit this morning since I had to be at a PTA meeting at 9:30. So he was a little late for school. After the meeting, I worked on a couple of things for the PTA newsletter, then headed over to the museum to hang pictures all day. Roger, Shelley and even Jack were helpful as we arranged pieces, pounded nails and used the level. We've got all but one section of the walls done (we're still waiting for a few pieces that should arrive tomorrow). We only had a few stressful incidents. Overall things are coming together really well. My friend Wendy's daughter got married and her reception was at the museum. So at 7:00, we stopped pounding nails, went home, I showered, then headed back down to the museum for the party. It was fun to visit with people, and I gave the editor of the local paper a tour of the partially hung exhibit as well as a few friends. I'm staying up way too late - putting together a final list of the books represented in the show. Off to bed!

1 comment:

Karen Mello Burton said...

We saw you at the reception but were a bit stuck in the line. I would love to come and see the exhibit!