Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Today was definitely better than yesterday! Spent the day working at the high school library and made lots of progress on projects there. Contacted most of the PTA presidents for schools in town to get on their agendas for October meetings to talk about the library bond election. Worked on a proposal for an elementary school essay contest ("I'm a friend of the library because . . ."). Went to the library bond committee meeting and presented my proposal. It's a go, and they're all excited about it. Worked on finding interesting readings to discuss in my UVU classes tomorrow (I'm taking a picture book called Henry Hikes to Fitchburg, an Ann Cannon column from the Deseret News and a very dry article from an academic journal about snails to contrast with Ann's column). Capped off the evening with book club at Judy's house. She lives by the creek, and we sat around her fire pit and ate smores, and talked about all sorts of things. It was very, very good for my soul. Pretty much made up for a lousy Monday.

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